Written Story by Anonymous

Covid-19 was a surprise pandemic. I did not think that it was going to last for more than two  years. I was relieved when we had the vaccine specially for healthcare workers and for many  immunocompromised categories. I did not think that I was going to get Covid because I took  precautions by wearing mask, washing hands, avoiding crowds and avoiding travels. It was sad not to visit my family members and friends for two years but it was better not to spread germs  or being exposed from them. Many people were exposed and they were very sick . Many  people lost their lives including friends and relatives.it was very scary for the first year specially  when we did not have the vaccines for everyone. I had Covid and I stayed home for one week  and it was not easy. Many of my friends had Covid and some of them were very sick ,others had  mild symptoms.  

I remember when we were in the house for 3 months and it was the longest time I stayed in the  house without visiting my family and friends. The best experience I had was working from home for 3 months. I spent more money on groceries, vitamins, good water, masks, hand sanitizers  and cleaning supplies. I avoided public transportation as much as I could. I did not plan any  parties for my family and friends for a long time . I avoided traveling over seas for family visit. I  did not like the Covid test at all especially the nasal swab for rapid test and all the advanced  Covid tests.Now the Covid is declining everyday in the different countries. I am so glad we don’t  have to wear masks everywhere even when traveling. We can wear masks at the hospitals but  many places now it is not mandatory anymore because Covid cases continue to decline. It is  nice to go to church , restaurants, parks, movie theaters and many places without masks.I can  take public transportation without masks as well. Some people are getting sick from Covid but  they are having mild symptoms. I am so happy to see few cases of Covid and less cases of  hospitalizations. It is nice to see Covid vaccines being available to everyone and it is very  important and very helpful to have the information available and medical insurance coverage  available for people who can not afford to pay for their health insurance coverage. I would like to thank God for protecting us and all our loved ones. I would like to thank the healthcare  professionals who helped us to get through these tough times and the research employees who  worked really hard during the Covid. Non profit’ organizations were very helpful as well with  helping so many communities with low income families to be able to afford rent, food, healthcare and school fees for their children. Our government did a great job and more people who helped.