
This collection of stories is for all impacted by COVID-19 and serves as an archive of the experiences shared. The stories collected in this project are always the work and property of the storyteller. See our Storyteller Bill of Rights for more information.

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Theme = Inspiration & Hope

  • Written Story by

    Terry Waiganjo
    My pandemic experience was rough but super rewarding at the same time. The pandemic hit …
  • Artwork Story by

    Sophia G-Halvorson
    Medicine Spirit, ethereal being as essential as oxygen, Your evil eye deflects the…
  • Written Story by

    This is what it feels to be archived. Tucked away in the dusty basement in a filing…
  • Written Story by

    Shariff Abdullahaziz
    As the days went by, the symptoms of Covid-19 started to take their toll on my body. The…
  • Written Story by

    My name is Seth, and amidst the chaos and uncertainty of a global pandemic, I experienced…
  • Written Story by

    Socrates said, “The secret to change is to focus all of your energy not on fighting the…
  • Written Story by

    In March of 2020, Covid19 descended in our community much like any other communities in …
  • Written Story by

    We have been learning to be strong little one As the wind and rain have found no pattern…
  • Written Story by

    Rebel Fayola Black
    I haven’t gotten COVID….yet. But it has changed my life, for worse AND for better. I…
  • Written Story by

    Rabia Jabarkhil
    The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in early 2020 led to significant changes in the …
  • Written Story by

    My journey with long COVID was an arduous one, filled with physical and emotional…
  • Written Story by

    Spring 2020 – French 340: Oral Skills An advanced study in moving mouths around…
  • Written Story by

    During the Covid-19 pandemic has been quite the rollercoaster ride. Not only do I have…
  • Written Story by

    Mohamad Kasim
    I am now 53 years old, and I am still working. I am Rohingya from Burma and have been…
  • Written Story by

    Max Mabry
    Hello,  My name is Max Mabry, and I am a recent graduate from the University of Oregon.…
  • Written Story by

    My pandemic experience started with a call from my manager: You have been exposed,…
  • Audio Story by

    Louisa D.
    English Translation  Emily: Hello. This is Speaker 1. Emily Duru. And I’m joined…
  • Written Story by

    As I write I am realizing how hard I have tried to unconsciously forget any of those two…
  • Written Story by

    Covid-19 was a surprise pandemic. I did not think that it was going to last for more than…
  • Written Story by

    The first time I heard about Covid-19, I thought it was the same as any flu that will be…
  • Written Story by

    Emily D.
    The traffic has come to a screeching halt, as it so often does during heatwaves. Portland…
  • Written Story by

    As an immune compromised disabled person, the possibility of getting COVID-19 was …
  • Written Story by

    50 years from now, I will be close to my 70s. Hopefully I have grandchildren, and I was a…
  • Written Story by

    A. Smith
    Because of the pandemic, we currently live in a world where immunocompromised and other…
  • Written Story by

    Gaby Gaeta
    ¿Alguna vez has sentido miedo de enfrentarte a lo desconocido?   Creo que la mayoría…
  • Written Story by

    Morena Lopez
    Empecé como voluntaria en una organización sin fines de lucro y sin darme cuenta…
  • Written Story by

    Evangelina Gabriel
    Haciendo limpieza en casa y junto con mil documentos que intentó desechar descubro…
  • Written Story by

    Muchos fuimos los afectados por la pandemia de Covid-19 pero en esta ocasión quiero…
  • Written Story by

    Angel CC
    En marzo de 2020, nos enfrentamos a uno de los retos mas aterradores en la historia…
  • Written Story by

    Tim Murphy
    Sometimes Long Covid seems like it never ends, and maybe sometimes it doesn’t. Now…