audio by km

Sorted by: Theme: Identity & Social Change

Audio Story by Kakule

English Translation

COVID or Corona brought a lot of problems to the whole world because it was something we have never seen before. It was something that for the first time globally, even White, Asian and Black people all had the same problem. It killed people from America, Africa, Asia and many other places. It brought problems to people who used to work, go to school or go shopping. All of sudden everything came to a stop. Companies and work stopped. Shops and stores were closed. Schools had to be closed and people had to now stay at home. Those who went to work or school I really got worried about them,especially parents. We were asking, are they going to come back with Coronavirus? I know many people who lost their family members and friends. We have never seen this kind of death. White people died in thousands. Africans also died in thousands. The whole world there was just too much death. We did not know what to do and this was all because of COVID-19. There was not even medication at the beginning, that came much later along with the vaccines. By that time the whole world was really hurting, moaning and crying. People lost their jobs and to date some have never got their job back. A lot of countries’ economies went down, food was not there because there was no money to buy. You could not travel, the ones who were in Africa could not come to America and places like Australia too. Jobs were stopped, business died, food prices went up and people were shocked and surprised. If anything ever happens again we ask the government to help us make sure we do not go through something like this again and to make sure there is enough food for everyone and medication so we don’t face this again. 

Swahili Transcription

COVID au Corona ilileta matatizo mengi kwa dunia nzima kwa sababu ni jambo ambalo hatujawahi kuona hapo awali. Ni jambo ambalo kwa mara ya kwanza duniani, hata watu Weupe, Waasia na Weusi wote walikuwa na tatizo sawa. Iliua watu kutoka Amerika, Afrika, Asia na maeneo mengine mengi. Ilileta matatizo kwa watu waliokuwa wakifanya kazi, kwenda shule au kwenda kununua. Ghafla kila kitu kilisimama. Makampuni na kazi zilisimamishwa. Maduka na maduka yalifungwa. Shule zililazimika kufungwa na watu walilazimika kukaa nyumbani. Wale walioenda kazini au shuleni nilipata wasiwasi sana juu yao, haswa wazazi. Tulikuwa tunauliza, watarudi na Coronavirus? Najua watu wengi waliopoteza wanafamilia na marafiki zao. Hatujawahi kuona kifo cha aina hii. Wazungu walikufa kwa maelfu. Waafrika pia walikufa kwa maelfu. Dunia nzima kulikuwa na kifo kingi sana. Hatukujua la kufanya na hii yote ilikuwa kwa sababu ya COVID-19. Hakukuwa na hata dawa mwanzoni, ambayo ilikuja baadaye sana pamoja na chanjo. Wakati huo dunia nzima ilikuwa inaumia sana, ikilalamika na kulia. Watu walipoteza kazi zao na hadi leo wengine hawajapata tena kazi zao. Uchumi wa nchi nyingi ulishuka, chakula hakikuwepo kwa sababu hapakuwa na pesa za kununua. Usingeweza kusafiri, wale ambao walikuwa Afrika hawakuweza kuja Amerika na maeneo kama Australia pia. Ajira zilisimamishwa, biashara ikafa, bei ya vyakula ilipanda watu wakashangaa na kushangaa. Iwapo kuna lolote likitokea tena tunaiomba serikali itusaidie kuhakikisha hatupitii kitu kama hiki tena na kuhakikisha kuna chakula cha kutosha kwa kila mtu na dawa ili tusikabiliane na hili tena.

Written Story by Tonya Jones

Mama’s Burden: The Struggle of Childcare 

I’m a pragmatic person. I like to get to the root of why things are the way they are. When the  pandemic first hit, it caused me to think more about what it means to be a mother in our  society. Despite the rhetoric of sweet sentiments of motherhood (often dished out during  Mother’s Day), our country hasn’t really done a great job of supporting mothers. Particularly,  mothers of color (MOC). It was reported millions of women had to drop out of the workforce,  primarily due to childcare. The struggles around childcare has been the Achilles heel of most  working women. It was exacerbated during the lockdown, as caregivers found themselves  having to homeschool children, while they also worked from home. The ‘double duty’ of  mothers (household and outside work responsibilities), turned into a triple duty. In some cases,  quadruple duty, if elderly or more vulnerable family members became sick with the COVID-19  virus. Their care also became another task for mothers. Yet, with all these burdens being placed  on caregivers, there was limited societal support.

MOC were especially at a disadvantage. Ms. magazine discussed this in the article, “Women Are  Still Disproportionately Suffering from Pandemic Unemployment.” It is noted that childcare is  the overwhelming reason why mothers have not bounced back as quickly regarding work  opportunities. MOC are at the forefront of this issue. I’m a Black single mama. I spent the past  year unemployed. I had to leave my position, as the demand of return to the office became the  mantra of employers. It didn’t matter we were still in the throes of the second wave of the virus  (delta corona). It didn’t matter schools were still closing left and right due to students/teachers  getting sick, or staff shortages. It didn’t matter that many childcare places were closed or  limiting enrollment for safety.

I had no one to help with before/after school care. The burden was on me. It’s still on me. I still  have not found reliable childcare, almost three years later. Then the economic stress of not  working. The biggest fear was losing housing. I was lucky and qualified for pandemic housing  assistance. There was also some relief with the child tax credit checks. Of course, those were  snatched away, despite the fact it was proven it helped caregivers tremendously with day to day  living expenses. The pandemic years have not been kind to MOC.

I’m a lover of books. Recently, I read Essential Labor: Mothering as Social Change, by Angela  Garbes. Garbes discussed how the pandemic impacted her as a mother. Overall, the book delves  into the challenges faced by mothers, whether married or not. As a MOC (Filipino-American),  Garbes gave voice to the unique barriers of women from her community and MOC outside of it.  Her overall argument was that our society needs to acknowledge that childrearing is work. That  MOC are the most economically exploited and there tends to be no respect for the essential  labor they provide.

The pandemic showed me we still have a long way to go in empowering and supporting  caregivers.

Written Story by Terry Waiganjo

My pandemic experience was rough but super rewarding at the same time. The pandemic hit  when I was about to finish my masters degree. I had a part time job during the day and I would  study in the evenings. I was living alone. When the pandemic hit, I lost my job as a local NGO  researcher as the program I was working for lost its funding. At the same time, my school shut  down and we later resumed online classes despite my difficulty in learning virtually. My brother  and I decided to live together to cut costs as we both lost our jobs. We were far from any close  relative who could help us and we knew we didn’t want to move around and spread the virus  around.

What came out of this who experience was a text book of lessons, mistakes, and more lessons.

Technology played a crucial role in keeping people connected. While physical distancing was  necessary, virtual platforms allowed individuals and communities to stay in touch. Video calls,  online events, and social media became the primary means of communication for my brother  and I. We could even video call each other in the same house if one of us feared exposure to  COVID-19. Some friendships grew stronger as individuals reached out and provided support to  my brother and I during difficult times. We got a text from our landlord saying there was a  Jewish community in our neighborhood who were looking for families without an income or  food. They were to prepare several meals to last a week and deliver to our door. All we needed  to do is sign up online. This was amazing. We have delicious food, some we havd never tried,  and we ate for weeks. They even delivered when we had not finished the previous meals. The  sense of unity mostly from complete strangers shocked me most because I was previously  unaware of peoples kindness.

Self-discovery and personal growth was a huge lesson for me. I never knew I could be a home  body. I never likes spending anytime alone by myself let alone in my house. The pandemic  forced people me to adapt to new circumstances, leading to self-reflection and personal growth.  With more time spent alone or in isolation, I had the opportunity to delve deeper into my own  thoughts and emotions. I discovered new hobbies, developed resilience, and gained a greater  understanding of my own strengths and weaknesses.

I missed my home land Kenya even more in the pandemic. I was homesick almost every day.  Certain images, events, and sounds from the pandemic will likely stay with people for years to  come. The sight of empty streets, healthcare workers on the front lines, made me think about  how things were back home. My friends would tell me how things were almost normal at home.  There was curfew but parties would go on restaurants and bars were open, My friends were  having more fun it seemed and comparing that life with the emptiness of the streets of Oregon  will stay with me. Overall, the pandemic challenged individuals and communities in  unprecedented ways. While it undoubtedly caused hardship and disruption, it also highlighted  the resilience and adaptability of humanity. It showed me people can surprise you and show  support in the most amazing ways. I pray that unity and commitment to protect each other  never goes away.

Written Story by Sierra


This is what it feels to be archived.
Tucked away in the dusty basement
in a filing system few remember
existing out of circulation

This is what it feels to be archived.
I haven’t caught the plague
it hasn’t killed me yet
but for now, I am a faded artifact
they want out of sight

This is what it feels to be archived.
To those with their heads in the ground
I am a emblem of their ignorance
a keepsake of their wrongdoings
a time capsule of their broken promises

This is what it feels to be archived.
And yet,
I will not let them ignore me.

Written Story by Anonymous

Socrates said, “The secret to change is to focus all of your energy not on fighting the old, but on building the new.” While Covid may not have been old when my daughter was born in late December of 2019, I certainly wanted to build a new foundation for my partner and I’d daughter. We had tried for years to conceive and in the spring of 2019, when the positive result appeared, I was overjoyed! My partner is an amazing woman and simply the greatest mother, my daughter and I are both so fortunate to have her in our lives. Knowing that she and I get the joy of preparing to bring into the world our greatest joy was a gift beyond measure. And boy did that time go fast!

The Sunday morning that my partner’s water broke was a whirlwind of movement to get to the hospital as quickly as possible. You see, our daughter was born 3 weeks early and we hadn’t yet prepared for her as much as we should have. While my partner is a very forward-thinking individual, I tend to focus on the present and worry about the details later. Let’s just say that I am so, so glad that my partner had a bag packed for herself and we had a crib (even if the mattress for the crib wasn’t being delivered until Monday). We drove to the hospital through a small rainstorm, but we made it safely and got checked in, ready to see our daughter.

My partner was induced and delivered our daughter within the same day. Look, I have seen tough people, having worked on several trail crews doing manual labor such as literally wrestling holders into the perfect position for a stone step (my partner has done this work as well, I’m proud to say), but no one could have handled the pain of being induced to deliver in such a small amount of time as my partner. To say I felt a little useless and a whole lot confused wouldn’t be a wholly invalid statement. But I tried to help how I could and my partner, the real champ, delivered our little girl into the world at 9 PM on the day she checked into the hospital. I will never forget hearing our daughter’s first cry or the warmth in my heart seeing my partner holding our wonderful child.

Our parents came to the hospital, along with my partner’s brother, and we all were so happy to welcome our little bundle of joy into a world of opportunity and love. While navigating a whole new world of parenthood in our hospital room, there was change brewing. Our daughter was placed onto a 2-hour feeding schedule to help gain weight as she was born early and needed to gain weight before being discharged. While I will do whatever I have to do make sure our daughter is provided for and I heard about sleep disruption with a new child, it was hard. Through the joys of navigating becoming first time parents, I realized just how little I would not do or change to give our daughter the life she deserved.

Nearing the end of our hospital stay we were watching CNN. This was early January 2020 and not more than a few days earlier we were celebrating the new year with my partner’s parents and brother while my daughter slept on her mother’s chest. But it was hard to be joyful, or optimistic, when witnessing people being forcefully quarantined into their homes in Wuhan, China. Change was happening and, even thousands of miles away, it seemed like uncertain times were upon us. It was frightening to say the least but, optimistic to a fault, I thought that whatever was happening in Wuhan would not come to Coos County in Oregon…

Well to say I am wrong is about like saying the surface of the sun is a bit warm. I expected life to change when I became a father. Maybe I will get less sleep, cut back on my gaming time, and be prepared to listen to some catchy kid songs if come to learn to enjoy (hopefully). But what I ended up with was a world where millions would die from a virus that spread globally within months. It was NOT what I wanted for my daughter.

During the Covid-19 pandemic many people experienced changes that radically altered their perceived future, their careers, their financial stability, and dashed away many hopes and dreams. While I cannot say that I had the worst of it by any stretch, before our daughter finally received her Covid-19 vaccine we had moved towns, I lost my job as a sole supporter to my family, began counseling services, and experienced the frustration of seeing my daughter grow up in a world in which my partner and I had to restrict seeing family and friends to ensure the health of our daughter. I understand I am not unique or alone in those situations but there was not exactly a handbook for this.

There were many parts of the pandemic that actually provided me with what I would never have dreamed of having before. I have worked completely remotely since my daughter was born, and if I can help it at all I will try in all of my power to keep it that way. The chance to be home with my family during the day was such an amazing experience. It has not been easy, especially when I was doing direct practice for a while, but my current job in a whole new field has been both challenging and rewarding. That change HAS been a silver lining from the changes caused by Covid-19.

Change is the only constant in this world. While I knew that well before Covid, perhaps it had shown me just how easy it is for society to radically change. So, as Socrates said, perhaps it is best to stop fighting the old and to instead pursue what I DO want for my future. The pandemic has shown me I want to be the best father I can, the best partner I can, and to be brave enough to fall. But more importantly the bravery to get up after falling. It hit me hard, really hard, when I lost my job. I went to school for that job, and it felt like sand slipping through my hand and floating in the wind while I was frozen in fear…

But that did not stop me. I continued to search for change, to search for good. What inspired that change was my daughter. No matter what I will do, I need to do to ensure she gets EVERYTHING she needs to have a happy life. I am sure almost every parent would say the same.  Becoming a parent was a change. Witnessing and living through the pandemic was a change. Those two events happened so closely together it is difficult to say which affected me the most. But I don’t have to choose which one did impact me, that is in the old. What matters now is the new.

A new life with love, life, and the opportunity to see my family thrive. To see my daughter go to pre-school and work towards becoming the veterinarian she says she will become. My wife will find a job she loves and be close to her family. And through it all I will continue to support them. My new change is to live my life for them because they are my life. I know that is cliché but I can’t help it. All I want is my loved ones to be happy, healthy, and to pursue the new that they are meant to pursue.

Written Story by Anonymous

In March of 2020, Covid19 descended in our community much like any other communities in  Oregon. The entire community went into lock down just like the whole State and Country did.  We entered into survivor mode in effort to combat and educate community members about this  terrible pandemic. This was not easy and it required cooperation of everyone. As a community  our first and primary duty was to assure that everyone is safe and protected. We followed every  single guideline as given without exception. We also resulted in using traditional healing  mechanism for preventing getting this terrible disease. One of the best way was to protect  ourselves from getting a cold which could result in possibly weakening the body and making it  susceptible to getting infected. So we consumed everything that will fortify our bodies ans  health. One of the simplest remedies used was to boil a combination of lemon, ginger, onion,  and garlic and then add a spoon of natural honey. This was the perfect combination to make the  body not susceptible to cold. This little an simple remedy worked like magic. We also formed an  alliance in our community towards protecting our community members. This was meant to  assure that everyone was healthy. We connect via frequent phone calls, via social media such  whatsapp very often if not daily. We did drive by to our community members that to assure  more visibility and assurance that everyone was doing well. It doesn’t mean that member did  not get sick, it simply means that we kept an open communication to assure that if a community  member was to get convid19, we will sick resources to assure that he or she is has all the care  they need. This was not a simple endeavor since there was still some stigma about covid19 as  some people thought they will be shined if it discovered that they have been infected by  Civid19. So we had to create a sense of community understanding that covid19 is a disease that  no one is immune. At any particular time anyone could unfortunately get it. The most important  this is that it matters to assure that anyone affected will get all care and help they needed to  make sure the come though victorious. As a community we launched a campaign designed to  informatio all community members on facts about covid19, and possible remedies including self  care. This became the most important mission of community elders to assure that our  community stays unified and in keeping everyone safe. This involved frequent phone calls,  frequent chats and once in while a get together in socially distanced way. All of these measures  were meant to stay connected and stay current by ensuring the well-being of community  members. One of the best weapon we realized was education. Education provided knowledge,  shared values, collaboration, and understanding that no one was alone. In this circumstances  assuring that every member was well and healthy was all we needed to accomplish our goal.  This is often a long term project for community well-being.

Written Story by Rebel Fayola Black

I haven’t gotten COVID….yet. But it has changed my life, for worse AND for better.

I have worn a mask every time I’ve gone into public since Spring 2020. First, I sewed them  myself, perfecting a pattern with a wire nose piece that fit my face snugly. The fabrics were so  pretty, and I used cool elastic for the ear loops. Now, I wear N-95’s with the headbands, because  they are so much safer. I’ve worn a mask every time I’ve gone into public since Spring 2020  despite having a trauma history of having my mouth and nose covered and being unable to take  a breath. It’s my responsibility to myself and my community to stay safe(r), even when it’s  hard…even when it triggers a trauma response.

When the mask mandate was dropped–the government kowtowing to business interests over  our health–it made it so much harder to go into public. It’s hard to take precautions when it  isn’t normalized, and it isn’t safe to be in crowds (such as a grocery store) when no one is  masking. When healthcare settings dropped the mask mandate, I felt actually in danger. Going  into Emergency or Primary Care settings where no one is wearing masks feels horrific. When I  see a provider wearing a mask, I thank them in order to reinforce their behavior. (To all the  people reading this who still wear masks, THANK YOU!)

See, I’m Disabled, low-income, have diabetes and a low immune system (low IgG), mast cell  disease, and am fat. When I get sick, I get REALLY sick. Statistically, I am less likely to be  prioritized by the healthcare system if there’s an outbreak that results in healthcare rationing. I  also have caregivers who come into my home every day: they wear N-96 masks as well, but I still  worry.

I was Disabled before COVID: I am mostly housebound. I’ve been isolated for years. It’s lonely,  and I often couldn’t attend meetings in person. I stopped being able to work due to complex  pain and chronic fatigue. I had trouble getting to therapy. Getting groceries was an almost impossible task for me even before COVID.

During COVID, suddenly it was more prevalent for my non-Disabled friends to be open to  meeting and hanging out over Zoom. So my social and political world opened up. I was finally  able to engage in organizing from my bed! I’m currently on a steering committee for a  transitional house for LGBTQ2SIA+ people coming out of incarceration, and that is exciting and  liberating. We meet remotely.I was able to see my friends’ faces when we talked, and they were  open to chatting more frequently. Instacart was more normalized and I felt less guilty using it  when I needed to.

I was able to start a Disability Justice and Racial Equity consulting business: Leaping Water. I can  engage with colleagues around the country. I am able to work from home, which is an access  need I have advocated for for years–to much resistance from the non-Disabled working world.  Using Zoom was normalized, rather than fringe. So I’m able to do work and attend trainings and  conferences and organizing meetings from my home, where I can breathe purified air and be  comfortable with my legs up (an access need).

To be honest, I resented when non-Disabled people complained about being newly isolated and  burdened by remote work, remote socializing, remote conferences, remote anything. “It’s just  not the same as being together in person!” they lamented. While I have empathy, it felt like a  slap in the face to all of us who have been struggling to connect to the outside world for  decades…even longer for our Disabled elders. Moreover, having these activities be remote  OPENED UP MY WORLD. Finally, my access needs were being met.

So, COVID has been a mixed bag. I’m worried about getting it, especially because of the  potential impacts of Long COVID, but the pandemic also forced structural changes that Disabled  people have been advocating for for years. I just hope those structural changes are here to stay.  With the mask mandates being lifted, it feels like non-Disabled people are going back to their  version of “normal,” while the rest of us are left behind. Please don’t leave us behind.

Written Story by Rabia Jabarkhil

The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in early 2020 led to significant changes in the  way people live, work, and interact with one another. Social distancing measures, lockdowns,  and restrictions on gatherings have resulted in widespread feelings of isolation and  disconnectedness. However, amid these challenging circumstances, communities have come  together, adapting and finding innovative ways to maintain connections, support one another,  and alleviate the impact of isolation.

Technology has played a pivotal role in maintaining community connections during the  pandemic. Virtual platforms and communication tools have become lifelines for individuals and  communities, enabling people to stay connected despite physical distances. Video conferencing  platforms such as Zoom, Microsoft Teams, and Google Meet have become commonplace for  work meetings, online classes, and social gatherings. These platforms have bridged the gap  between people, allowing them to see and interact with loved ones, friends, and colleagues,  providing a sense of normalcy.

Communities have rallied together to create support networks for those who are  vulnerable or in need during these challenging times. Local organizations, volunteer groups, and  neighborhood associations have organized initiatives to provide essential supplies, groceries,  and medication to those unable to leave their homes. These acts of kindness and solidarity have  helped combat the feeling of isolation, fostering a sense of belonging and community spirit.  Also, the pandemic has witnessed the proliferation of online communities focused on shared  interests and hobbies. Platforms like Reddit, Facebook Groups, and online forums have seen an  increase in users seeking connection and support. These communities provide spaces for  individuals to share experiences, discuss common interests, and find solace in knowing they are  not alone. Whether it’s a book club, a fitness group, or a mental health support forum, these  online communities have offered a sense of belonging and camaraderie during a time of  physical separation.

The pandemic has also spurred creativity and innovation in maintaining community  connections. People have organized virtual concerts, art exhibitions, and online performances,  allowing artists to share their work and audiences to enjoy cultural experiences from the  comfort of their homes. Local theaters have live-streamed performances, museums have  offered virtual tours, and musicians have hosted online concerts. These creative endeavors have  not only entertained and inspired individuals but have also brought communities together,  fostering a shared sense of appreciation for the arts.

Recognizing the toll of isolation on mental health, individuals and communities have  made concerted efforts to support one another emotionally. Mental health helplines, online  counseling services, and virtual support groups have emerged, providing a crucial lifeline for  those struggling with anxiety, depression, and loneliness. Communities have organized wellness  challenges, meditation sessions, and mindfulness workshops to promote emotional well-being  and encourage self-care practices. These initiatives have not only supported individuals in need  but have also strengthened the fabric of community connections.

The COVID-19 pandemic has presented unprecedented challenges, with isolation and  disconnectedness becoming prevalent issues in communities worldwide. However, in the face of  adversity, communities have risen to the occasion, leveraging technology, fostering support  networks, and nurturing a sense of togetherness. By embracing virtual platforms, creating  online communities, and supporting one another’s mental health, individuals have found ways  to connect, support, and uplift each other during these trying times. As we navigate the ongoing  pandemic and beyond, it is essential to continue fostering these community connections,  ensuring that no one feels isolated and that everyone can find solace, support, and a sense of  belonging within their communities.

Written Story by Anonymous

Course Schedule

Spring 2020 – French 340: Oral Skills

An advanced study in moving mouths around unfamiliar vowels

We watch the professors tongue hit his teeth, not like that mais comme ça

Sent home to distinguish pronunciations through delayed Zoom connections

Updating our vocabulary; contagieux, unprecedented, pandémie

Even en français these words can’t be romanticized

There is no skill in communicating the worry of unknowns

Only empathy and patience as time strides by and stays put

Why do we entertain the fanfare of academia in times like these

The only test I can bear to take is being withheld by our government

What do grade point averages mean to ghosts

Summer 2020 – Arts 310: Living with Dying; Analyzing HBO’s Six Feet Under

Syllabus finalized in early spring, seats filled before the hospital beds did

Somber introductions and acknowledgement of newly found relevance

Binge watching episodes between planning memorials

I’ve been waiting 15 years to stop whispering about death

But even now as we yell, they don’t listen

My final project is a business plan; implementing grief education in schools

There is beauty in creating the structures we wish we’d had

And anger in knowing our pain doesn’t necessitate change

I am no stranger to death

I know there are much worse things to face

Fall 2020 – French 400: Linguistics

Apocalypse, from the Greek apokalyptein, “to uncover”

Etymology turning despair to opportunity

The clarity of interconnectedness cannot be unseen

How can our words keep up with circumstance

Do we dare attempt to articulate our fragmented realities?

I study language to collect descriptors,

Work in health because care transcends translation.

Indefinitely distanced, I seek connection through expression

Covid dismantled my lexicon and sense of community

I rebuild them both

Audio Story by Noella

English Translation

Everything stopped and we knew we were going to have debts because we were unable to pay rent. When COVID ended we thought people would have to pay back for all the months they never paid even though we were not charged. We also thought that we were going to die of hunger, but God helped us. We got money for food through our food stamps and that meant we never slept hungry. I am also thanking God because Corona never killed any of my family members or any of my family anywhere and that is why I am giving thanks to God. 

Kinyarwanda Transcription

Ibintu byose byarahagaze kandi twari tuzi ko tuzagira imyenda kuko tutashoboye kwishyura ubukode. COVID irangiye twatekereje ko abantu bagomba kwishyura amezi yose batigeze bishyura nubwo tutishyuwe. Twatekereje kandi ko tugiye gupfa inzara, ariko Imana iradufasha. Twabonye amafaranga yo kurya dukoresheje kashe y’ibiribwa kandi bivuze ko tutigeze dusinzira dushonje. Ndashimira kandi Imana kuko Corona itigeze yica umuntu wo mu muryango wanjye cyangwa umuryango uwo ari we wese aho ariho hose niyo mpamvu nshimira Imana.