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Audio Story by Kakule

English Translation

COVID or Corona brought a lot of problems to the whole world because it was something we have never seen before. It was something that for the first time globally, even White, Asian and Black people all had the same problem. It killed people from America, Africa, Asia and many other places. It brought problems to people who used to work, go to school or go shopping. All of sudden everything came to a stop. Companies and work stopped. Shops and stores were closed. Schools had to be closed and people had to now stay at home. Those who went to work or school I really got worried about them,especially parents. We were asking, are they going to come back with Coronavirus? I know many people who lost their family members and friends. We have never seen this kind of death. White people died in thousands. Africans also died in thousands. The whole world there was just too much death. We did not know what to do and this was all because of COVID-19. There was not even medication at the beginning, that came much later along with the vaccines. By that time the whole world was really hurting, moaning and crying. People lost their jobs and to date some have never got their job back. A lot of countries’ economies went down, food was not there because there was no money to buy. You could not travel, the ones who were in Africa could not come to America and places like Australia too. Jobs were stopped, business died, food prices went up and people were shocked and surprised. If anything ever happens again we ask the government to help us make sure we do not go through something like this again and to make sure there is enough food for everyone and medication so we don’t face this again. 

Swahili Transcription

COVID au Corona ilileta matatizo mengi kwa dunia nzima kwa sababu ni jambo ambalo hatujawahi kuona hapo awali. Ni jambo ambalo kwa mara ya kwanza duniani, hata watu Weupe, Waasia na Weusi wote walikuwa na tatizo sawa. Iliua watu kutoka Amerika, Afrika, Asia na maeneo mengine mengi. Ilileta matatizo kwa watu waliokuwa wakifanya kazi, kwenda shule au kwenda kununua. Ghafla kila kitu kilisimama. Makampuni na kazi zilisimamishwa. Maduka na maduka yalifungwa. Shule zililazimika kufungwa na watu walilazimika kukaa nyumbani. Wale walioenda kazini au shuleni nilipata wasiwasi sana juu yao, haswa wazazi. Tulikuwa tunauliza, watarudi na Coronavirus? Najua watu wengi waliopoteza wanafamilia na marafiki zao. Hatujawahi kuona kifo cha aina hii. Wazungu walikufa kwa maelfu. Waafrika pia walikufa kwa maelfu. Dunia nzima kulikuwa na kifo kingi sana. Hatukujua la kufanya na hii yote ilikuwa kwa sababu ya COVID-19. Hakukuwa na hata dawa mwanzoni, ambayo ilikuja baadaye sana pamoja na chanjo. Wakati huo dunia nzima ilikuwa inaumia sana, ikilalamika na kulia. Watu walipoteza kazi zao na hadi leo wengine hawajapata tena kazi zao. Uchumi wa nchi nyingi ulishuka, chakula hakikuwepo kwa sababu hapakuwa na pesa za kununua. Usingeweza kusafiri, wale ambao walikuwa Afrika hawakuweza kuja Amerika na maeneo kama Australia pia. Ajira zilisimamishwa, biashara ikafa, bei ya vyakula ilipanda watu wakashangaa na kushangaa. Iwapo kuna lolote likitokea tena tunaiomba serikali itusaidie kuhakikisha hatupitii kitu kama hiki tena na kuhakikisha kuna chakula cha kutosha kwa kila mtu na dawa ili tusikabiliane na hili tena.

Audio Story by Simon Machozi

English Translation

This disease was a bad one because I can say it killed a lot of people, especially the ones who were coughing [a lot]. I was also among people who were coughing. I had to use traditional medicine to treat this COVID and after some time it went away. What I also know is that there was a time when people came knocking at our door and the question they would ask is whether there is anybody who is sick with COVID in the house and we always told them no. These people also came into the house, talked to us and asked questions and then left. What I also know is that COVID killed a lot of people including a family friend that I knew so well. The other thing is that I am not so sure if this disease called Corona is finished or gone. I’m still not certain.

Swahili Transcription

Ugonjwa huu ulikuwa mbaya kwa sababu naweza kusema uliua watu wengi hasa waliokuwa wakikohoa. Pia nilikuwa miongoni mwa watu waliokuwa wakikohoa. Ilinibidi nitumie dawa za kitamaduni kutibu COVID na baada ya muda iliisha. Ninachojua pia ni kwamba kuna wakati watu walikuja kugonga mlango wetu na swali ambalo wangeuliza ni ikiwa kuna mtu yeyote ambaye ni mgonjwa na COVID ndani ya nyumba na tuliwaambia hapana. Watu hawa nao waliingia ndani ya nyumba hiyo, wakazungumza nasi na kutuuliza maswali kisha wakaondoka. Ninachojua pia ni kwamba COVID iliua watu wengi akiwemo rafiki wa familia ambaye nilijua vizuri. Jambo lingine ni kwamba sina uhakika kama ugonjwa huu uitwao Corona umeisha au umeisha. Bado sina uhakika.

Audio Story by Lukulambo

English Translation

I had Corona, for those of you who do not understand what Corona is. I myself actually suffered from this Corona. In fact I prayed to God that Corona never comes back again. Yes, I really suffered and other people did as well. Two years without work, I was really in bad shape. People could not do anything because everywhere was closed and kids could not go to school .This is not a normal disease, this is something that scares the whole world. To date, you hear the word Corona and you want to run away, but I thank God. For me I remember coughing so much to the point where my ribs hurt. It made us also fearful and afraid of each other. Whenever you would see or hear someone coughing you wanted to run away. I remember companies were closed. It was not normal nor was it a joke. We suffered so much, people died and we do not wish it on anybody. We suffered a lot as a family and we had some people who died. We pray to God that it does not come back, because it’s something that is making the world suffer so much. There was no going out, kids could not play as usual, you could not go shopping, you could not just drive. I have never been so scared in my life. We need to pray to God that it does not come back. People were coughing so much that whenever you saw someone you wanted to run away. In fact, Malaria is even better. All jobs in America stopped, if anybody tells me that there is Corona again, we all would go away, and other jobs would never come back for years.

Swahili Transcription

Nilikuwa na Corona, kwa wale ambao hamuelewi Corona ni nini. Mimi mwenyewe niliteseka na hii Corona. Kwa kweli nilimwomba Mungu kwamba Corona isirudi tena. Ndiyo, niliteseka sana na watu wengine pia walifanya hivyo. Miaka miwili bila kazi, nilikuwa katika hali mbaya sana. Watu hawakuweza kufanya chochote kwa sababu kila mahali pamefungwa na watoto hawakuweza kwenda shule .Huu sio ugonjwa wa kawaida, hili ni jambo ambalo linatisha dunia nzima. Hadi leo, unasikia neno Corona na unataka kukimbia, lakini namshukuru Mungu. Kwangu nakumbuka nilikohoa sana hadi mbavu zinaniuma. Ilitufanya sisi pia kuogopana na kuogopana. Wakati wowote ungeona au kusikia mtu akikohoa ulitaka kukimbia. Nakumbuka makampuni yalifungwa. Haikuwa kawaida wala haikuwa mzaha. Tuliteseka sana, watu walikufa na hatutaki mtu yeyote. Tuliteseka sana kama familia na tulikuwa na watu fulani waliokufa. Tunaomba Mungu isirudi, maana ni jambo linaloifanya dunia kuteseka sana. Hakukuwa na kwenda nje, watoto hawakuweza kucheza kama kawaida, haungeweza kwenda ununuzi, haungeweza kuendesha gari tu. Sijawahi kuogopa sana maishani mwangu. Tunapaswa kuomba kwa Mungu ili isirudi. Watu walikuwa wakikohoa sana hata ukimuona mtu ulitaka kukimbia. Kwa kweli, Malaria ni bora zaidi. Kazi zote Amerika zilisimamishwa, ikiwa mtu yeyote ataniambia kuwa kuna Corona tena, sote tungeenda, na kazi zingine hazitarudi kwa miaka. mtu yeyote ataniambia kuwa kuna Corona tena, sote tungeenda, na kazi zingine hazitarudi kwa miaka.

Audio Story by Noella

English Translation

Everything stopped and we knew we were going to have debts because we were unable to pay rent. When COVID ended we thought people would have to pay back for all the months they never paid even though we were not charged. We also thought that we were going to die of hunger, but God helped us. We got money for food through our food stamps and that meant we never slept hungry. I am also thanking God because Corona never killed any of my family members or any of my family anywhere and that is why I am giving thanks to God. 

Kinyarwanda Transcription

Ibintu byose byarahagaze kandi twari tuzi ko tuzagira imyenda kuko tutashoboye kwishyura ubukode. COVID irangiye twatekereje ko abantu bagomba kwishyura amezi yose batigeze bishyura nubwo tutishyuwe. Twatekereje kandi ko tugiye gupfa inzara, ariko Imana iradufasha. Twabonye amafaranga yo kurya dukoresheje kashe y’ibiribwa kandi bivuze ko tutigeze dusinzira dushonje. Ndashimira kandi Imana kuko Corona itigeze yica umuntu wo mu muryango wanjye cyangwa umuryango uwo ari we wese aho ariho hose niyo mpamvu nshimira Imana.

Audio Story by Muhindo M.

English Translation

My name is Muhindo M. I am here today to talk about COVID-19. It’s a disease called COVID-19 or Corona. It’s a disease that shook the whole world. People could not even leave their house, even companies, stores and schools were closed. Going out shopping, kids going to school and going to the store all stopped. We could not even have normal greetings like shaking hands. All people had to wear masks in the country. Traveling, even using public transportation was a problem. I remember even coming from Africa to us was not possible because every place was closed .People had to be separated if one person was sick. We would like to thank the government because it helped out. Now things are under control and there is medication and vaccines which ended up helping out. We just hope that this disease will not come back again and again. We thank God for the government. We ask that you [the government] help us again if it [COVID-19] comes back again. However, we are hoping that this will never come back again, because now our lives are back to normal. We can go to different places without fear ,we can even travel from Africa to the U.S.A and the other way round and even travel to Australia and other places. We can even go to schools ,go to the stores and best of all to church and everywhere else that we want .We pray to God almighty to help us out so that we don’t have this issue again. 

Swahili Transcription

Naitwa Muhindo. M. Niko hapa leo kuzungumza kuhusu COVID-19. Ni ugonjwa unaoitwa COVID-19 au Corona. Ni ugonjwa uliotikisa dunia nzima. Watu hawakuweza hata kuondoka nyumbani kwao, hata kampuni, maduka na shule zilifungwa. Kwenda nje ya ununuzi, watoto kwenda shule na kwenda dukani wote waliacha. Hatukuweza hata kuwa na salamu za kawaida kama kupeana mikono. Watu wote walilazimika kuvaa barakoa nchini. Kusafiri, hata kutumia usafiri wa umma lilikuwa tatizo. Nakumbuka hata kutoka Afrika kuja kwetu haikuwezekana maana kila sehemu ilikuwa imefungwa .Ilibidi watu watenganishwe ikiwa mtu mmoja anaumwa. Tunapenda kuishukuru serikali kwa sababu imetusaidia. Sasa mambo yamedhibitiwa na kuna dawa na chanjo ambazo ziliishia kusaidia. Tunatumahi kuwa ugonjwa huu hautarudi tena na tena. Tunamshukuru Mungu kwa serikali. Tunaomba utusaidie tena ikiwa itarudi tena. Walakini, tunatumai kuwa hii haitarudi tena, kwa sababu sasa maisha yetu yamerudi kawaida. Tunaweza kwenda sehemu mbalimbali bila woga, tunaweza hata kusafiri kutoka Afrika hadi U.S.A na kwa njia nyingine na hata kusafiri hadi Australia na maeneo mengine. Tunaweza hata kwenda shuleni, madukani na bora zaidi kwenda kanisani na kila mahali tunapotaka. Tunamwomba Mungu Mwenyezi atusaidie ili tusipate suala hili tena.

Written Story by Max Mabry


My name is Max Mabry, and I am a recent graduate from the University of Oregon. I am submitting for your COVID Storytelling submission with my way of telling stories and expressing myself, which is through musical composition. While I understand this may be a bit of a stretch, I figured I would submit it anyway in case it caught your interest and could be used for your project. My piece is called Piano Suite for the World Today, and it is a piano suite that I wrote during COVID that explored some of the feelings I had as we all went through the motions of COVID as a community. 

Here is a link to a performance of the piece I am soon releasing to the public on YouTube:  

The movements of the piece are named as follows: 

I. Simplicity

II. The Awkward Dance Partner

III. Calamity 

IV. Stuck in Your Own Mind

V. A Conflicted Resolution

And this is the program note that I wrote to go with the piece: 

Piano Suite for the World Today was a piece I wrote as a reaction to the impact of COVID on people’s everyday lives. The different movements represent different physical or mental states of being during the pandemic, and the rapid changes in mood and energy between the movements represent the temperament of people as they dealt with their own thoughts and life as it was affected by the drastic shift that occurred throughout the world. 

Thank you so much for your time, 

Max Mabry

Audio Story by Judith

English Translation

I want to talk about Corona. It had never existed before and we don’t know what brought it or where it came from. It surprised people and made things really hard, such as schools being closed, places where people worked and stores were closed. The economy was affected because there was no money, and we could not buy any food. People stayed at home, some even were so scared that they locked their doors completely. I saw neighbors who died. I just hope it will never come back. I pray to God that it never comes back, because kids were affected. They never went to school and things were not the same again. There were programs that were affected and not occurring because offices were closed. Also things were not getting done because people were so afraid of one another and the way Covid was easily spreading. We were also left with so much grief because of friends and relatives dying. 

We are saying again that this should never come back, but we also say thanks to [the government] so much for all that has happened. We ask for all the help that we can get and the assistance that we can get because this disease was really bad. There was no work and kids could not play. It really made it hard and life did not carry on well because this is something that has never happened before. We hope that there is going to be more investment in the diseases, so that we do not have to close everything again. Kids need to go to school, people need to work and things have to be bought, so that the economy and life can get back to normal in general. 

Swahili Transcription

Ndashaka kuvuga kuri Corona. Ntabwo yari yarigeze ibaho mbere kandi ntituzi icyayizanye cyangwa aho yaturutse. Byatunguye abantu kandi bituma ibintu bigorana rwose, nko gufunga amashuri, ahantu abantu bakoreraga n’amaduka arafungwa. Ubukungu bwagize ingaruka kubera ko nta mafaranga, kandi ntitwashoboraga kugura ibiryo. Abantu bagumye murugo, ndetse bamwe bagize ubwoba kuburyo bafunze imiryango burundu. Nabonye abaturanyi bapfuye. Gusa nizere ko itazigera igaruka. Ndasenga Imana ngo itazagaruka, kuko abana bagize ingaruka. Ntabwo bigeze bajya mwishuri kandi ibintu ntabwo byari bimeze. Hariho gahunda zagize ingaruka kandi ntizibe kuko ibiro byari bifunze. Ikindi kandi ibintu ntibyakorwaga kuko abantu batinyaga cyane nuburyo Covid yakwirakwiriye byoroshye. Twasigaye kandi dufite intimba nyinshi kubera inshuti n’abavandimwe bapfa. 

Turongera kuvuga ko ibi bitagomba na rimwe kugaruka, ariko kandi turavuga ngo urakoze cyane kubyabaye byose. Turasaba ubufasha bwose dushobora kubona nubufasha dushobora kubona kuko iyi ndwara yari mbi rwose. Nta kazi kandi abana ntibashoboraga gukina. Byaragoye rwose kandi ubuzima ntibwakomeje neza kuko iki nikintu kitigeze kibaho mbere. Turizera ko hagiye gushora imari nyinshi muri izo ndwara, kugirango tutazongera gufunga ibintu byose. Abana bakeneye kujya mwishuri, abantu bakeneye gukora nibintu bigomba kugurwa, kugirango ubukungu nubuzima bisubire mubisanzwe muri rusange.

Audio Story by Jean

English Translation

About during the COVID time, it was a — that time it was hard. We had to stay home, and you — we couldn’t go to school, couldn’t go to work, and we just stay home. So that affected how we lived. Our way to live was hard. So we, so we had not enough money to pay for rent, for food because we are not going to work. So like by myself also got sick. It was not too dangerous, but I got sick. I went to clinic to get — I got sick, but I couldn’t go to the hospital to get the medication because it was not [indistinct]. I just use like a — like a traditional way, like having like a traditional way like of like, um, lemon and like onions, onions and honey. We put all of them together to fight this COVID that was coming to me. So yeah. So also because it was harder to go to work. Yeah. Also, what else? Also COVID — also we couldn’t fly. Yeah, I remember I had in that time I wanted to go to visit my girlfriend who lived in Wisconsin, but at that time I couldn’t go because of COVID, so it was a bad time. Also I heard people died all over the world. I heard the news that other people are dying. Some superstars, people we knew — we knew died. Yeah. Yeah. So many people died. Yeah. So yeah. So that’s all I can say about COVID. But we are so thankful that the pandemic went away, and now we are safe. We are so happy for that. So yeah.


Spanish Translation

Con respecto a la época del COVID, fue… fue un tiempo difícil. Teníamos que quedarnos en casa, y… no podíamos ir al escuela, no podíamos ir a trabajar, solamente nos quedábamos en casa. Y eso afectó nuestro modo de vivir. Nuestro modo de vida era difícil. No teníamos dinero suficiente para pagar el alquiler, para la comida, porque no estábamos yendo a trabajar. Y entonces estaba por mi cuenta y también me enfermé. No fue demasiado peligroso, pero me enfermé. Fui a la clínica para buscar… Me enfermé, pero no podía ir al hospital a buscar los medicamentos porque no [interferencia]. Fue como… como un modo tradicional, como tener un modo tradicional, como limón y cebollas, cebollas y miel. Pusimos todo junto para luchar contra este COVID que me estaba atacando. Así que sí. Y también porque era más difícil ir a trabajar. Sí. También, ¿qué más? También el COVID… y no podíamos volar. Sí, me acuerdo que en ese tiempo quería ir a visitar a mi novia que vivía en Wisconsin, pero no podía ir por el COVID, así que fueron tiempos muy malos. También escuché que moría gente en todas partes del mundo. Escuché las noticias de que otras personas estaban muriendo. Algunas superestrellas, personas que conocíamos, murieron. Sí, sí. Tanta gente murió. Sí. Así que sí. Y eso es todo lo que puedo decir acerca del COVID. Pero estamos tan agradecidos porque la pandemia se fue, y que ahora estamos seguros. Estamos tan felices por eso. Así que sí.

Swahili Translation

Mathalani kipindi cha mlipuko wa COVID, kulikuwa — kipindi kile kilikuwa kigumu. Tulibidi kukaa nyumbani, nanyi — hatukuweza kwenda shuleni wala kazini, na tulikaa tu nyumbani. Hivyo hilo liliathiri namna yetu ya kuishi. Maisha yetu yalikuwa magumu. Hivyo, hatukuwa na pesa ya kutosha kulipia kodi wala chakula kwa sababu hatukwenda kazini. Mimi pia niliugua. Hatari haikuwa kubwa sana, hata hivyo niliugua. Nilienda kliniki kupata matibabu — Niliugua, lakini sikuweza kwenda hospitali ili kupata matibabu kwa sababu haikuwa [msikiko hafifu]. Nilitumia tu — njia ya kitamaduni, kama vile kutumia njia ya kitamaduni kama ile ya, eeh, malimao na vitunguu na asali. Tulichanganya vitu hivyo vyote pamoja kupambana na gonjwa hilo la COVID lililokuwa limenikumba. Ndio hivyo. Lakini pia ni kwa sababu ilikuwa ngumu kwenda kufanya kazi. Ndio. Na, nini kingine? Pia kutokana na COVID — hatukuweza pia kusafiri kwa njia ya anga. Ndio, nakumbuka kipindi kile nilitamani kwenda kumtembelea mpenzi wangu aliyekuwa anaishi huko Wisconsin, lakini nilishindwa kutokana na COVID, hivyo mambo yalikuwa mabaya sana kipindi hicho. Pia nilisikia kwamba watu pande zote za dunia walipoteza maisha. Nilisikia kwenye taarifa ya habari kwamba watu walikuwa wanafariki. Baadhi ya watu hao wakiwa watu maarufu, watu tuliokuwa tunawafahamu — tulitaarifiwa kuwa walipoteza maisha. Ndio. Ndio. Watu wengi sana walifariki. Ndio. Ndio hivyo. Hivyo hayo tu ndio ninayoweza kuyasema kuhusiana na COVID. Hata hivyo, tunashukuru kwamba janga hilo kubwa limekwishakupita, na sasa tu salama. Jambo hilo latufurahisha sana. Ndio hivyo.

Audio Story by Anonymous

English Translation

For me I was very scared because I was pregnant. I saw the way people were getting so sick. It really made me think that what about me if it gets me, I will lose my pregnancy. But because of God’s blessing I never became sick and I had a healthy baby, so I really say thank you God I never got sick. 

Kinyarwanda Transcription

Kuri njye nagize ubwoba bwinshi kuko nari ntwite. Nabonye uburyo abantu barwara cyane. Byanteye rwose gutekereza ko bite kuri njye nibimbona, nzabura inda. Ariko kubera umugisha w’Imana ntabwo nigeze ndwara kandi nabyaye umwana muzima, ndavuga rwose rero urakoze Mana sinigeze ndwara.

Audio Story by Domatha

English Translation

We had a problem with COVID the whole year. We had sick people and the company was closed for three months. Our kids became sick and we could not go to the hospital because the hospitals were not accepting people. There were a lot of problems, too many problems, like hunger, no food for the kids and no money. It was hard because we lost people in our family and we were not allowed to go for their funeral because of COVID. That is some of the problems that we had in our family. We just don’t know what to do should this ever happen again because it’s such a problem. COVID is a problem to everyone ,kids ,parents ,and lots of other people. COVID became a problem because of language problems. When they call us to ask questions we don’t know what to say or answer. COVID came with a lot of problems, but work is important to us and we could not go when kids were sick. They have to stay in their rooms. Even going to see friends and visiting others is hard because there was no public transportation. We cannot talk about it so much [about COVID] and cover everything because there were too many problems associated with COVID like not being able to go shopping, to go to work, and school and companies still being closed. We could not go to the burials of family members and community members who died. There is no way to be helped, but we know that we can get help with work from the government, but what I would say is that COVID is really bad because when your family member dies you may not be able to see them. COVID really made us feel down. 

Swahili Transcription

Tulikuwa na tatizo la COVID mwaka mzima. Tulikuwa na wagonjwa na kampuni ilifungwa kwa miezi mitatu. Watoto waliugua na hatukuweza kwenda hospitalini kwa sababu hospitali hazikuwa zikipokea watu. Kulikuwa na shida nyingi, shida nyingi, kama njaa, hakuna chakula cha watoto na pesa. Ilikuwa ngumu kwa sababu tulipoteza watu katika familia yetu na hatukuruhusiwa kwenda kwa mazishi yao kwa sababu ya COVID. Hayo ni baadhi ya matatizo ambayo tulikuwa nayo katika familia yetu. Hatujui tufanye nini ikiwa hii itatokea tena kwa sababu ni shida sana. COVID ni tatizo kwa kila mtu, watoto, wazazi, na watu wengine wengi. COVID imekuwa tatizo kwa sababu ya matatizo ya lugha. Wanapotupigia simu kuuliza maswali hatujui la kusema wala kujibu. COVID ilikuja na matatizo mengi, lakini kazi ni muhimu kwetu na hatukuweza kwenda wakati watoto walikuwa wagonjwa. Wanapaswa kukaa katika vyumba vyao. Hata kwenda kuwaona marafiki na kuwatembelea wengine ni ngumu kwa sababu hapakuwa na usafiri wa umma. Hatuwezi kuizungumzia sana na kumaliza kila kitu kwa sababu kulikuwa na matatizo mengi sana yanayohusiana na COVID kama vile hakuna ununuzi, hakuna kwenda kazini au kampuni za shule bado zimefungwa. Wanafamilia pamoja na wanajamii waliofariki hawakuweza kwenda kuzikwa. Hakuna njia ya kusaidiwa, lakini tunajua kwamba tunaweza kupata usaidizi wa kazi kutoka kwa serikali, lakini ninachoweza kusema ni kwamba COVID ni mbaya sana kwa sababu mwanafamilia wako anapokufa huenda usiweze kuwaona. COVID kweli ilitufanya tujihisi chini.Hayo ni baadhi ya matatizo ambayo tulikuwa nayo katika familia yetu. Hatujui tufanye nini ikiwa hii itatokea tena kwa sababu ni shida sana. COVID ni tatizo kwa kila mtu, watoto, wazazi, na watu wengine wengi. COVID imekuwa tatizo kwa

sababu ya matatizo ya lugha. Wanapotupigia simu kuuliza maswali hatujui la kusema wala kujibu. COVID ilikuja na matatizo mengi, lakini kazi ni muhimu kwetu na hatukuweza kwenda wakati watoto walikuwa wagonjwa. Wanapaswa kukaa katika vyumba vyao. Hata kwenda kuwaona marafiki na kuwatembelea wengine ni ngumu kwa sababu hapakuwa na usafiri wa umma. Hatuwezi kuizungumzia sana na kumaliza kila kitu kwa sababu kulikuwa na matatizo mengi sana yanayohusiana na COVID kama vile hakuna ununuzi, hakuna kwenda kazini au kampuni za shule bado zimefungwa. Wanafamilia pamoja na wanajamii waliofariki hawakuweza kwenda kuzikwa. Hakuna njia ya kusaidiwa, lakini tunajua kwamba tunaweza kupata usaidizi wa kazi kutoka kwa serikali, lakini ninachoweza kusema ni kwamba COVID ni mbaya sana kwa sababu mwanafamilia wako anapokufa huenda usiweze kuwaona. COVID kweli ilitufanya tujihisi chini.